Exit Your Insurance Business
Get expert advice when selling your insurance agency
We can help you sell your insurance agency quickly, confidentially, and for the highest price by:
1. Preparing you and your business for a sale
2. Determining the value of your insurance agency
3. Creating detailed marketing materials for your business to distribute to interested buyers
4. Leveraging our wide network of pre-qualified insurance agency buyers from across Canada to ensure you receive the best price
5. Applying our years of experience advising business sellers and buyers to ensure a successful closing of the deal and a smooth process throughout
Recent Experience Advising Clients in the Insurance Industry
Since 2004, Beal Business Brokers and Advisors has provided assistance hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses, including successfully advising numerous insurance agency owners in valuing their businesses and exiting their business through external sales or family transitions. The diversity of our assignments speaks to the breadth of skills we can bring to your project. We can help you sell your business for the highest returns possible and structure the deal in a tax-efficient manner.
Agency Exit Blog
Expert advice to help you successfully exit your insurance business.
Four Ways to Exit Your Insurance Agency
As an owner of an insurance agency, it is important to prepare well in advance for your exit from the business. One of the most important decisions you will make during the exit planning process is how you will exit your business. Whether you are passing...
5 Common Mistakes When Selling Your Insurance Agency
Selling your business to an external buyer can be a complex process, and any mistakes made throughout the process can easily jeopardize a successful sale. These are 5 of the most common mistakes we see sellers make when attempting to sell their business:...